Journey of the Magi
Here are a few lines from a wonderful poem by T. S. Eliot: At the end we preferred to travel all night,Sleeping in snatches,With the voices singing in our ears, sayingThat this was all folly. Read the full poem here: poets.org
A Matter of Life by Jeffrey Brown
I just finished reading A Matter of Life (2013) by Jeffrey Brown. This is a graphic novel that describes itself on the back cover as “an autobiographical meditation on fatherhood and faith.” This is a wonderfully sweet, poignant book that feels honest and personal. Even though it’s about someone else’s life, it made me think…
A Slew of Comics
I went to a comic book store yesterday that I’ve never been to before. It was a great shop, with quite a lot of back issues. They had a dollar bin, which is something I love and don’t find a lot anymore. If you bought 25 comics, the price dropped to 80¢ an issue. The…
Autobiography of Joseph Scaliger
I just finished reading the Autobiography of Joseph Scaliger, translated by George W. Robinson and published in English in 1927. The subtitle gives a good idea of what makes up the book in addition to the opening autobiography: with Autobiographical Selections from his Letters, His Testament, and the Funeral Orations by Daniel Heinsius and Dominicus…
The Infant by Denís Fonvízin
I finished reading The Infant by Denís Fonvízin (1782; Nèdorosl’), a play in five acts. It is translated by Joshua Cooper and is the earliest play included in a collection of Russian theater titled Four Russian Plays. This was a lot of fun to read. There was quite a bit of witty humor, social critique,…
Impecunious, an etymology
Impecunious Merriam Webster’s definition: having very little or no money usually habitually : PENNILESS This is a fun word to say…something about the combination of sounds…the ‘p’ followed by the hard ‘c’, and then the ‘yoo’ sound. Anyway, it’s a nice word. A fancy way of saying “poor”. The reason I mention it here is…
Home Front by Joel Rosenberg
Here’s another belated book jot, from September 2021: I finished reading Home Front by Joel Rosenberg (2003). It’s categorized as mystery fiction, but is very light on mystery. I read a series of fantasy novels by this author when I was in my early teens and recently came across this book. It takes place in…
RX-78-2 Gundam
I realized yesterday that I have not included a post about this mecha model I put together awhile ago. I assembled it a little after my daughter and I put the Z’Gok together. This mecha is very gracile in comparison with the previously assembled Z’Gok and the Gogg we put together a couple days ago.…
MSM-03 Gogg
My daughter and I finished putting together another mecha model. This guy is an amphibious mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam. The fingers and hands were fun to put together! All the fingers have individual ball joints and are quite delicate to assemble. The hands end up being very poseable. I think this is a…