Journey to the Centre of the Earth

I just finished reading Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1864) by Jules Verne, translated by Frank Wynne. It was a great and entertaining adventure and brimmed with that boyish optimism, perhaps born out of the rapidly expanding world of science, shared by similar books of the era. 

illustration by Édouard Riou

I was a bit surprised at how much I enjoyed reading it. The compact briskness of Verne’s prose felt fresh, and there were a few moments of sublime description that took hold of my imagination in a way I haven’t experienced recently.

I tried a few different translations before settling on the one I ended up reading to the end. I found out afterwards from the introduction that many of the translations of his works in the public domain are not exactly exemplary, and sometimes suffer from expurgation and poor translation. I am glad I landed on the translation I did, and recommend it to others who may want to read the story.

‘There it is!’ roared the professor. ‘There it is!’ before adding in Danish: ‘Onward, to the centre of the earth!’